Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Stuffed to the rafters!
This is about half my stuff... Also, my trunk is full. If I open it things pop out. Do I have way too much stuff? Absolutely I do. Am I prepared for just about anything, including a book shortage? Definitely.
"If I'm dead, you've all been dead for weeks"- if it is possible to die from lack of reading, wearing clothes, or having tons of pillows and blankets I can say this with as much conviction and honesty as Dwight K. Schrute.
The Church is true.
Last night I had the opportunity to go to a fireside in the Logan Tabernacle with Elder Bednar. He had a question and answer session, and it was easily one of the most inspiring and awesome experiences I have ever had. Definitely ask me about it- I'd love to talk about it. I took about six pages of notes! I have never learned so much at one time- what an amazing Apostle of God.
Evan Part 2
Just for you Cora.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Big Haircut

I got my hair cut. Pretty short. I'm not for positive how much I like it yet... but it is growing on me (no pun intended). I also butchered my bangs- they are supposed to be the kind that are to the side, and I just wanted a few more... Bad news. Thank heavens for bobby pins. All in all, my hair will be a lot better off in two weeks, but I do like it now too.
FYI: I feel like such a dork taking pictures of myself. I don't think I'll ever like to/ get used to it. That shines through on the second picture.
And yes, my room is a mess. I'm packing, okay?
Kudos if you get that reference. I have so much stuff. All this stuff in my room is probably a fifth of it all. At times like this I wish I was a simple monk. With a flying bison.
And yes, that is Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (extended version) playing on my T.V.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Ridiculous Book Feature

B. "A paranormal love to last the ages"? Please. Twilight will outlive this werewolf.
C. Someone special ordered this. I guess the cover is enticing... Or maybe the title got her? The recommendation from Gena Showalter is pretty steamy... I'm not sure. We'll never know.
I've realized I'm kind of mean about romance novels. It's true, some are pretty trashy, but I'm sure that most are pretty okay. They aren't my taste, but kudos for reading at all. I'm not going to lie, some fantasy novels have pretty dumb cover art too, and they are my favorite. This is my apology and peace offering for the lovers of love. I will probably continue to criticize them, but just know it's my personal opinion. Freedom of speech- go team USA.
I want to walk with Frodo.

This was my book find of the day. I thought it was hilarious. On the back it says "Do you love Lord of the Rings? Can you not get enough? Do you want more?"
Basically it's a devotional book for teens that takes you through the Lord of the Rings with Frodo (duh) and talks about the religious symbolism J.R.R. Tolkien uses.
I had no idea such a book existed. It made me very happy.
My friend Evan (after wisdom teeth).
This is hilarious. Bless his brother for filming this and his mom for posting it. Evan is my very favorite right now.
Friday, August 12, 2011
A sneak peek of my wedding.

This cake has inspired me. Basically something similar to this will be at my wedding (if my husband is at all cool- and if he isn't I may just do it anyway).
Also, I would want this to sit on my bookshelf forever. It is so cool. A really great picture for my wall is a must (if we have to eat it- I really would prefer to keep it forever).
There was also an epic R2D2 cake, a pretty cool Minas Tirith cake, and the cutest Pac-Man cake ever (not that I've ever even played that- it's just so cute) but this won by a long shot. Here's the link to all of them: http://www.buzzfeed.com/gavon/30-nerdy-wedding-cakes
This is the best cake I have ever seen in my life. I LOVE it.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Stuff Sophia Says
-"Who's that on your phone?"
-"Olivia Pod."
-"Oh. Where am I?"
-"You were inside I think."
-"Well I want a picture of me on there."
-"What's your sister's name?"
-"What's your dad's name?"
-"What's your mom's name?"
-"What's Cora's dad's name?"
-"What's Cora's mom's name?"
-"... That's weird. They have the same names."
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tres Hechos
1. No one freak out- only two things are official. I have officially emailed both Disney and Universal to find out more about summer internships. Disneyland? Harry Potter World? Who knows, but I am officially excited for next summer.
2. Staples is Disneyland + crack cotton candy for me. I found out the hard way today that I need a support system if I want to get out of there with just what I came for. I went for a ream of paper, and you can probably imagine the rest. The only shred of self control I possess ensured that I didn't walk down the post-it notes aisle- that could have been disastrous.
3. I made a very cute jar for toilet paper money today. I spent three hours working on that, eating my first attempt at artisan bread, and discussing fantasy novels/ The Hobbit/ Lord of the Rings. It was the best, and here it is:

Not the best picture in the world, but trust me- it's adorable.
P.S. Sometimes I think that I speak Spanish because I can use Google. But, soon I'll actually know some. Maybe.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I am having the urge to migrate.
We all know I am way to big of a wuss to ever actually relocate somewhere. But it would be nice to go to Europe. I would stay in a cottage by the sea all by myself. I would go on long walks along the shore to find seashells, ride a horse, plant flowers, read books by firelight, and go to the local market to buy ingredients for stew and cupcakes.
Preferably the sea would be the Mediterranean, the horse would be a mellow with a gray coat to match, the flowers would be red roses, my bed would be near the fire, the library would be full of fantasy, the stew would have beef and potatoes only, and the cupcakes would be chocolate.
My last preference is for my getaway to be Shell Cottage, but the one from my head doesn't exist. Sadly, the movie's version was not up to my imagination's par and Google Images failed me too. My description wouldn't do it justice, but let me tell you something- it's the cutest house I've ever seen.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Owens Family Reunion 2011. I had lots of fun- I love my family. I took Sophia, Olivia, and Lauren on rides for about an hour and that was my favorite part of the day. The close seconds were 1. The contrast between Ben's face and Lindsey's face on Bombora, 2. Gretchen on The Rocket, and 3. seeing my super cute roommate Brittany for the first time in forever.
These are a few of my favorite things.
My favorite book is the Book of Mormon, because if I had to choose one book to read forever that would be it. I love it. But, I also have many many other favorite books. The books that tie for second are the Harry Potter series and The Wheel of Time series. I love them both and could never choose one.
My favorite color is purple.
My favorite things to do by myself is to read and to bake.
My favorite things to do with other people are to watch movies/ funny T.V. shows, to talk, and to cook (but I have to be the boss when we cook for it to be my favorite).
My favorite things to go do are to go see a movie and to go to a really nice bookstore and find a treasure. These are my realistic answers anyways- of course I want to go to Disneyland/ Harry Potter World/ San Diego/ Europe/ Middle Earth/ Diagon Alley and that would be my favorite. But usually that doesn't happen and I am content to go buy a book for fun most Saturday nights.
My favorite cartoon is Avatar: The Last Airbender. I would bend fire.

My favorite animal is an owl. My second and third favorites follow, respectively.

My favorite Princesses are Belle and Rapunzel. They tie, just like Beauty and the Beast and Tangled tie for my favorite Disney movies.
My favorite T.V. show is hands down The Office- it is completely my sense of humor.
My favorite character from The Office is Jim Halpert. Hands down. Love him. The Jim-Dwight relationship is my favorite part about The Office. I also love the Jim-Dwight-Michael love/hate triangle.

My favorite Harry Potter character is and always has been Hermione. I have always identified with her and liked her a lot. For good or bad, we do have a lot in common. My second favorite character is Dobby. I think we should all be a little more like him.

My favorite movie is The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Yes, the trilogy counts as one movie. No, I will not pick one.

My favorite Lord of the Rings character is Samwise. He is just so good and so loyal. My second favorite character from that series is Aragorn. I think he and Sam share many great qualities.

My favorite song EVER is Starlight by Muse. I love it. I can listen to it when I'm sad and when I'm happy and it always makes me feel better. I don't think I can get sick of it- once I listened to and sang along to it over and over from Ogden to Logan and was perfectly happy the entire time. If it comes on in my car the volume always goes up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgum6OT_VH8.
Avatar: The Last Airbender,
lord of the rings,
The Gospel,
the office,
wheel of time
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Shakespeare Festivities
This is a little behind... But I went to the Shakespeare Festival with my mom, grandma, and Cora and I loved it! It was a fun little trip to take.
Here is the "Globe Theater" we saw Romeo and Juliet in. Apparently cameras weren't allowed in here either... But I didn't know that until after I took this... :
I tried on a wizard hat for fun:
My mom is the only good sport about taking pictures:
Eating their Renaissance cuisine:
This was so good. Also it made me feel like I was at Hogwarts. My pastie:
Katy My Lady
I went to the Katy Perry concert last week. It was pretty awesome. She was really funny and cute, and she did lots of fun stuff. One thing she did was karaoke, and among other songs she sang Rebecca Black's "Friday" (short video below). It was hilarious. She just had lots cute things she did and she put on a great show for two hours. She sounded different live with some songs, but she has a good voice. Plus, there was no Kanye or Snoop Dog to mess up her songs. That was nice. Here are some pictures from our box, it was a little too far away to get good pictures but great seats for the concert:
P.S. Don't tell anyone... but I wasn't supposed to have my camera... But I didn't know until we were in our seats and the guy at security never said anything!
E.T. and Friday:
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