1. No one freak out- only two things are official. I have officially emailed both Disney and Universal to find out more about summer internships. Disneyland? Harry Potter World? Who knows, but I am officially excited for next summer.
2. Staples is Disneyland + crack cotton candy for me. I found out the hard way today that I need a support system if I want to get out of there with just what I came for. I went for a ream of paper, and you can probably imagine the rest. The only shred of self control I possess ensured that I didn't walk down the post-it notes aisle- that could have been disastrous.
3. I made a very cute jar for toilet paper money today. I spent three hours working on that, eating my first attempt at artisan bread, and discussing fantasy novels/ The Hobbit/ Lord of the Rings. It was the best, and here it is:

Not the best picture in the world, but trust me- it's adorable.
P.S. Sometimes I think that I speak Spanish because I can use Google. But, soon I'll actually know some. Maybe.
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