Sunday, November 27, 2011

Disneyland: The Journey

When I walked out the door to drive home (and then onto California) this was my view. It was the first snow in Logan, and I was extremely happy that I was leaving the state. However, it did look like Narnia and I love it when there is fresh snow around our lamppost. Also, notice my rommmate Brittany's adorable bike.

Malori was all geared up before we even left Pleasant Grove.

Cora drove us through scenic (ha!) Southern Utah. Notice her cute sunglasses.

Brian doesn't mess around with regular sized cups when he has a long drive ahead, and he likes to channel Uncle Rico.

Malori was really excited as we were arriving.

I was excited too, and I had just woken up- obviously.

Looking for Disneyland...

This is one of my very favorite pictures ever. Cora was all set for hydration with distilled water. She get's really thirsty.

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