Friday, January 6, 2012


Here are the happenings of my winter break in a close approximation of chronological order:

I missed my math final, which resulted in an emotional breakdown at work, but miraculously I passed with a C.

I worked and worked and worked and had lots of fun with my coworkers.

My cousins Sophia and Olivia came into my work and I got to hug them and see their cute faces for the first time in a long time.

I watched a lot of Friends (which was a constant throughout the break).

I read one of the best books ever- A Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Such epic high fantasy books are rare- it made me cry. It was such a great read.

I went home on Christmas Eve and I got to see Malori and the rest of my family. I was the happiest I've been in a long long time.

Cora had George Washington hair.

I was hated by children in church on Christmas.

Malori gave me a mini bottle of apple cider and it was the sweetest thing in the world.

Gretchen got a cell phone and cried.

I saw my whole Bullock and Smith families for the first time in forever and held my new baby cousin Avery.

I went to a family party and had so much fun playing basketball. Brian fouled me big time. It was such a fun game- I made a shot!

I saw Sherlock Holmes 2- it was really really good. I delayed at Old Navy to get on-sale sweaters, so we ended up on the fourth row. Cora just about killed me, but the sweaters were worth it.

I played Just Dance 3 with my sisters.

I watched the Smurfs with Malori- "I kissed a smurf and I liked it!"

Gretchen and Malori recorded so many videos of themselves being weird on my iPod Touch. Now I have something to remember them by.

I went to a Christmas party and saw my old friends and got the most awesome/ messed up watering can ever (which I will post a picture of in a later post because I am too lazy to take one at the moment). Also Evan and I had the same sweater on- it was really cute.

I went to get my fish from my grandma's, and Olivia and Phin were a little obsessed with them. It was adorable. Olivia kept on asking if she could eat the pebbles in the bottom of the glass, and saying "can't we eat that fish?"

I made a total mess of my house. Then I sat in the midst of the mess and watched Friends.

I beat my friend Mackay at Lord of the Rings Risk. Really I was just happy to find someone to play with.

I almost killed our fish Cathy Jane Bennet when transferring her back into her bowl. Luckily my heart is full of love and I was able to control my gag reflex enough to grab her out of the drain and drop her back into her bowl.

I went and had a fabulous New Years at my BRF's (best roommate forever) Brittany's house in Ogden. I made coconut chex and played just dance (and laughed hysterically at Mackay dancing) and quizzed each other with Harry Potter Trivia cards and watched funny videos on youtube, and I got to hang out with her and her family all the next day too. It was just such a great stay- I had the best time.

When I finally started to clean my house I turned on the garbage disposal and a popcorn kernel flew out and lodged itself in my nostril. I laughed for several minutes after I got over the shock.

A bug's shadow was reflected onto my ceiling at six in the morning, and it was a very, very creepy dust mite spider bug. I was robbed of comfort and peace of mind. I'm still itchy.

I almost died from the bleach fumes when I tried to clean my bathroom.

I got my hair cut, and I got bangs (little wispy side bangs). We'll see how it grows on me (haha, get it? ).

I went to Kneaders with my Grandma- I have missed the turkey bacon avacado sandwich so much.

While reflecting I have remembered/ realized that I am so very very lucky to have the friends, family, and sisters that I do. I wish I could always spend as much time with my family as I have this month- I miss them very much and I love them even more. Have I mentioned how awesome and funny they all are?

Also, tomorrow I am spending the day with some of my Owens family and I am really excited. 

Here are some of the very few pictures (and by very few I mean twenty nine) I took over the break. I put them all in one lump, as per not usual, because they are basically of Christmas Eve/ Christmas and have nothing to do with most of my chronological events.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like you had fun during the holidays! Love you
