So I've decided that "Confessions" is probably a bad title for these series of posts. I should have named them "look at how super weird/silly/self-centered I am" and "look at how super weird/silly/self-centered I am: Part 2", or maybe "random facts that probably aren't very unique but true nonetheless" and "random facts that probably aren't very unique but true nonetheless: Part 2". However, this fact didn't hit me until today and so I am sticking with the unoriginal and probably only partially true title "Confessions" for consistency and continuity, hence the title of this post "Confessions: Part 2". So here I go again, mostly because my memory constantly fails me and there is always more I forget to say.
-I really like feet, and I think my feet are really cute. Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:

-I also think pictures of feet are really cliche and sometimes mock them. However, I've obviously taken some and I think they can be cute. This is just one more way I can be very hypocritical.
-I break phones very often. I have dropped two in the toilet (don't ask), and the other two or three just wore out or decided they didn't like me anymore or maybe I dropped them one too many times... Whatever the reason, I just really suck at caring for my technology.
-I love working with married men. I know that sounds creepy and awful, but my reasoning isn't. I like working with married men because it is like working with girls, but they are guys so they aren't ridiculous like girls can be. They are way cool and chill, but you don't have to worry about talking to them too much or saying the wrong thing and giving them the wrong idea. You never ever have to worry about them asking you on a date (unless you work with awful married men) or anything weird like that happening. You can just be yourself, joke around, have fun, then send them all home to their wives. It just makes life so much simpler.
-I use guy razors because they are better. Yep, I am a sexist pig.
-I am a crybaby. I cry all the time over lots of things. It is very pathetic, but it's just how I have always been. I am also a sympathetic crier, so if someone else cries I cry. This can make church and girl's camp very difficult.
-I love Katy Perry. So much. I really like her music and I think she is the most gorgeous woman on the planet. Also, I love her E.T. music video. It is so weird. But really good. Here it is, please ignore Kanye West because he is gross, also the naked boy bum at the very end. That isn't why I like it.
-Bishop Allen's song News From Your Bed may be my favorite song, and I feel like it's my song sometimes. I don't always think that in a bad or negative way (it is kind of a sad song), although a lot of the time when I feel like it's my theme song I am feeling sorry for myself. But it is really good and I really love it. Here it is.
-I want laser hair removal. That would be the nicest thing ever.
-I am kind of spoiled and high maintenance, and I like it when people spoil me. I love getting presents.
-I also love giving presents, and I always have things picked out and bought months in advance. For example, my sister's birthday is July 2 and I purchased her present last week.
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