My first order of business: coming clean. Here comes the long list of confessions.
-I have held to the opinion for a very long time that blogs should only be for married people with children and that all other blogs are really dumb.
-I am a filthy hypocrite (see above).
-These are two of my favorite pictures from one of my favorite days:
-The only Jane Austen novel I have ever read in it's entirety is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Which only partially counts.
-I have purchased things for my children. They are unborn, unconceived, and half of their genetic makeup has yet to be determined, but they have some very cute Disney books.
-I hate dogs. So much. That probably makes me an awful heartless person, but it's true. It's because they smell weird. Cats are okay, but only if they smell like the house.
-I am obsessive about how my hands smell. If they smell weird I can't function and I feel dirty (which is probably why I hate weird-smelling animals).
-I am so weird about smells (which you probably gathered from above). Smell can make or break something for me and is something I pay too much attention to. For example, I can be attracted to someone based completely on how they smell.
-I eat when I'm hungry and I eat just as much as I want to.
-I laugh at my own jokes, all the time.
-I am a complete nerd. I create characters for myself in all my favorite fantasy books, quote Lord of the Rings with all my best friends, and my favorite thing ever is when I randomly quote something and discover a new friend.
-I love babies, and I probably talk about them way too much.
-Sometimes I feel like I am at the maturity level of a twelve year old boy, but I really just can't help the things I giggle at.
-I love saying things just to make people feel awkward or just to be awkward. I love to creep.
-I am pro at stalker pictures and I've only been caught once. Stay tuned for some juicy examples.
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